Moo Review “Oh my god… WOW”

First off the process of creating these was a breeze. I bought 50 cards with 5 different images, equaling 10 cards a piece. I would have gotten 60 (equaling 3 glamour and 3 sports) but they don’t offer that. So once they where ordered, the time frame for them to arrive was actually rather fast. When they arrived, Read the rest of this entry


Hey guys, sorry I haven’t gotten a review up. It’s been pretty busy around the house lately. I should have one up on Monday though. See you guys then. As a reminder, don’t forget to hit up my website:

MCC45 and (business cards)

So it’s been a little while sense the last time I spoke to all of you, and here’s what I’ve been up to sense the last time I posted.

We’ve had an other fight for MCC. MCC45. Read the rest of this entry